Hello, everyone!
I am so excited to announce that the final volume of my graphic novel trilogy – Sea
Serpent’s Heir – is available at your local comic shop TODAY! (It’s also available at
booksellers and digital platforms on Tuesday, September 17, 2024. But we’ve got
to protect our comic shops, right?)
“Sea Serpent’s Heir Book Three: Queen of Mercy” is the culmination of the biggest
project I’ve tackled yet. It took me 8 years, 2 editors, and about a million cups of
coffee to finish this series. But it was all worth it as I think we really ended things
with a bang — as well as a [REDACTED], a giant [REDACTED] and way more
[REDACTED] than I ever through we’d get away with! Suffice it to say, rescuing a
god is an epic business and we’re pulling out all the stops on this one!
I want to take a moment to thank my artist, Pablo Tunica, my letterer, Jame, and my editor, Alex Antone, for bringing this fantastic story to its equally fantastic conclusion. I want to thank Skybound for taking a chance on a mangy crew of pirates. And I want to thank you, my readers, for joining Aella, Bashir, and Xir as they fight together to save the world.
I’m so excited to see what you think of this ending! But if you still need a little
convincing, feel free to check out a preview of the first few pages here.