My latest show is now available on Netflix. Click here to watch it on Netflix.

My latest show is now available on Netflix. Click here to watch it on Netflix.
Join me, host Kieraplease and some special guests from our stellar cast this Thursday December 1st at 5pm PST on Netflix’s Twitch show Geeked: Toon In to discuss all things Dragon Age: Absolution!
We’re going to premiere episode 1 and discuss the show with you all, so come hang out and chat with us! Click here to watch.
Oh and P.S. We now have a Times Square animated billboard, so I am going to go pass out.
Hi everyone. Happy November! We’ve got news!
Netflix just released the official trailer and poster for my show, Dragon Age: Absolution and announced that all six episodes will premiere on Netflix, December 9th. Watch the trailer here!
This has been a huge passion project for me. I loved DA:I from the moment Cassandra accused my Inquisitor of being a terrorist (BTW, rude! But I can’t stay mad at Cass). Back in Spring 2019, I pitched several ideas to Bioware and Netflix, and this was the one I NEVER expected them to pick. This was the pitch I did just for me, sure no one else would believe in it. I’m so glad I was wrong.
When I got the job, I replayed and rewatched everything I could get my hands on. (Thanks to all you YouTube DA Lore Keepers out there!) I spent weeks scribbling weird insights on my office walls (they were glass at the time, don’t panic), and listening to songs on repeat for hours. Then in Fall 2019, I got to bring on the incredibly talented Tim Sheridan and Mae Catt, and our amazing writer’s assistant Grace Deppe-Waldschmidt. We brought so much of ourselves to this story! We wanted to make something fans could be proud of. Netflix was a dream to work with and Bioware was committed to excellence every step of the way. Then in 2020 Red Dog started bringing our show to life, and the last several years have been full of late night meetings with Korea, art approvals, and finally animation. (Bae, if you read this, you’re the absolute best!) So many people worked so hard throughout the pandemic on this. Our amazing voice cast recorded the whole thing from their homes over video conferences. (Best Zoom meetings EVER!) And everyone from the recording studio, to the post house, to the marketing team brought their A-Game.
It’s funny that in writing a show about such wonderfully flawed characters, I got to meet so many flawless professionals. I’m truly the luckiest showrunner in the biz. Now, three and a half years later, it’s all come together and we can share this with you. Whether you’ve played from the beginning or are brand new to Thedas, I hope you’ll watch on December 9th and fall in love with these characters as much as we did.
See you in Tevinter!
Mairghread Scott