Hi Everyone,

New York Comic Con is this weekend and here’s where you can find me:


11:15 am to 12:15 pm – Room 1A05 – Wizards and Fairies and Spells – Oh My! – Panel about Fantasy World-Building in Comics

3 pm to 4 pm – IDW Booth #1844 – First Strike Signing


10am to 11 am – IDW Booth #1844 – First Strike Signing


11am to 12pm – Room 1A06 – Marvel Animation Presents – Discussing my work on Guardians of the Galaxy Season 3 “Mission Breakout”

Hope to see you in NYC!

Hi Everyone,

San Diego Comic Con is coming up real soon and I wanted to put out my full schedule of signings and panels.

Thursday July 20th

2pm to 3pm

Room 9

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe! IDW and Hasbro Present First Strike panel

3pm to 4pm

Room 25ABC

Motivating your inner MAD-KOOKY-CRAZY-CURIOUS-RELUCTANT Scientist panel

4pm to 5pm

IDW Booth #2743

Hasbro First Strike Signing

Friday July 21st

2pm to 3pm

San Diego Central Library/ Shiley Suite on the 9th Floor

Nonfiction and Memoir in Graphic Novels panel

Saturday July 22nd

6pm to 7pm

IDW Booth #2743

Hasbro First Strike Signing

Sunday July 23rd

12pm to 1pm

IDW Booth #2743

Hasbro First Strike Signing

Hope I’ll see ya there!


I haven’t done a general news update in a bit so I thought I’d talk about some upcoming projects.

On the TV side of things. my Justice League Action episode, “The Trouble with Truth” just aired starring Wonder Woman, Batman, Green Arrow and Athena. It was wonderful telling a story about Wonder Woman and her relationship to the Gods. Check it out if you have a chance. Also Athena gets a magical-girl-style transformation which is just awesome.

I’ve been consulting on season 2 Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy cartoon and a bunch of my episodes have been airing. Check out a clip of one of my recent episodes here.

On the comics side of things, I’m co-writing IDW and Hasbro’s big summer crossover event, First Strike, with David Rodriguez. Max Dunbar is drawing this one with colors by Ander Zarate and letters by Tom B. Long and it looks amazing. In the event, Baron Ironblood leads a group of the worse villains from the Hasbro multiverse in a quest to destroy Cybertron and it is up to Scarlett and her G.I. Joe team to stop him with help from Optimus Prime. Issue 0 was just released and can be read for free here.

I also have two graphic novels being released by First Second books in early 2018.

The first book is part of  First Second’s educational Science Comics line and is called Robots and Drones. Jacob Chabot provided the art and did a great job bringing all these incredible robots to life. I have never done so much research before in my life. This will be a great read for any youngsters interested in robotics.

The second book is an original graphic novel called The City on the Other Side that I co-created with artist Robin Robinson. This book follows a young girl who discovers a magical artifact and gets pulled over to the fey realm hidden within early 1910s San Francisco. Robin’s art is beautiful and this all-ages tale will spark the imagination with its inventive depictions of fairies and magic.

So it’s been a fun year and 2018 will be even cooler. My next convention appearance will be San Diego Comic Con and I will be posting my schedule a few days before the show. As I decide on my schedule for the second half of the year, I’ll keep you up to date here.

Be Well,

I should have written this a while ago, but I wanted to wait until after Issue #10 because it was such an important issue for me, a triumph of our series. And I think it truly is a triumph.  It’s difficult and uncomfortable and still very compelling. This is in big part thanks to Sara’s amazing art and Joana’s amazing colors. So now I’ll say it. We’re cancelled.

What happened? Nothing.

We were asked if we wanted to do something to shake things up (shift focus, shift cast, shift story) after the First Strike event, which is also normal, but I didn’t. I love Transformers, but I’ve been writing it for literally years and I wanted to tell this story. So rather than think of a new story I didn’t love as much, I just chose to end us here.

Till All Are One will go to Issue 12 and then an annual will be put out late 2017/early 2018  to wrap up any loose threads. A thousand thanks to our editor, Carlos, for giving us that much-needed space. A thousand thanks to Sara and Joana and Priscilla and Tom and John and Meg and Jason and all the people I know I’m forgetting and shouldn’t.

Issue 11 and 12 are going to be awesome by the way. I think we crafted a really satisfying, positive ending emotionally and the annual puts that needed cherry on top. We did something I never thought I’d be able to pull off that I’ll talk about more when it’s released.

In the meantime, I’d like to take a moment to say all the things I couldn’t before:



The Combaticons. Think about it. These guys DON’T HAVE FACES! (Well, Blast Off does) and she makes them so expressive without making it seem like she’s cheating their designs or making them cartoony. I had to keep writing them!


The Bruticus face made out of Combaticons. Even as I wrote it I was like “I’ve got nothing. Good luck!” Naturally, she knocked it out of the park, but I still feel bad. [NOTE: this doesn’t include Issue 12, which may still kill her because it’s also basically impossible.]


-Ironhide’s private security firm and their wacky adventures (mostly with Tall Tankor and Fat Tankor)

-An issue of Titan’s Return just about the Maccadam’s Crew having to defend the bar from being smushed.

-Lightbright and Sparkstalker’s Conjunx Endura ceremony.

-Somehow bringing together all the femmes from the G1 crew onto one team for an issue.

-Breakdown calling out Knock Out for weight-shaming.

-Exploring the racial/tribal divides on Eukaris.

-Giving Metroplex an avatar so he could move around the city and meet people like a normal ‘Bot.

-Metroplex goes to Caminus and has to come to terms with the cut-up body of his most treasured companion.

-Tall Tankor and Fat Tankor meet the Micromaster Tankor that turns into a train and they hate him for, like, no reason. He just can’t get into the “tankor clique”.

-Elita One takes over Kaon and builds a militarized city-state that threatens to reignite the war.

-Revealing Windblade and Chromia’s holo-avatars.

-Having everyone from Cybertron be disturbed by Elita One because she is literally the color of energon so it’s like meeting someone painted in blood.


-There were two separate occasions where my husband argued that Fat Tankor should die for emotional impact and I just couldn’t kill him.

-I almost took out the name “Fat Tankor” in the final proof of Windblade Vol. 1 because robots can’t be fat and I was nervous, but John Barber insisted I keep it.


I want to take a moment and thank you, the readers. You’ve made me stronger, bolder, and better at my craft and the love you have shown this story has been inspiring. I will miss you most of all and I hope you follow me on my next books (because there will be more books) even if they don’t have giant robots.

Be Well,

Mairghread Wild Scott


This Friday, I’ll be attending WonderCon in Anaheim and below is my schedule:

12 Noon – Toil and Trouble signing at the Boom Studios Booth #1301

I’ll be signing and greeting fans at the boom booth, bring your books or purchase them from Boom.

2pm – Marvel Animation Storytellers – Room 300DE

Marvel Animation panelists give you an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at how Marvel assembles acclaimed animated series such as Marvel’s Avengers: Ultron Revolution and Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. Led by Cort Lane (SVP, animation and family entertainment) and Stephen Wacker (VP, current series and development), with several special guests, the Marvel Animation team shares rare insight into the writing process, sneak peeks from upcoming episodes, and tons of scoops on future storylines.

5pm – Transformers Signing- IDW Booth #1109

I’ll be signing and greeting fans at the IDW booth, bring your books or get them from IDW.

Come by, say hi, ask questions and I’ll be happy to sign any of my books. Hope to see you there.


“Thrice the brinded cat hath mew’dtoil-hc

Thrice and once the hedge-pig whin’d

Harpier cries: ‘Tis time, ’tis time.”

~William Shakespeares’s Macbeth, Act IV, Scene I

‘Tis Time! The Toil and Trouble Hardcover is now available at comic shops! Yep, you can visit your local comic shop and pick up this beautiful Archaia hardcover boiling over with special features for $29.99.

Find your local comic shop here.

And if you are in the Los Angeles area, you can meet me in person at A Shop Called Quest tonight for a special book signing event from 6pm to 8pm. Details here.

But wait, there’s more!

When you get your copy, take a wicked selfie with it and Tweet, Tumbl or Facebook it to me, Mairghread Scott, using the hashtag #ToilandTrouble by midnight on Halloween to be entered to win one special care package that will include a signed and annotated copy of Toil and Trouble filled with notes from me about the creation of the series and the research that went into making this book, as well as a few other super-cool and very secret Toil and Trouble items. I’ll only be creating one of these annotated copies so this is a truly unique prize.

Finally, Kelly, Nichole and I have been talking up a storm about the book so you can check out these great interviews below.

Double Double: An Interview with Toil and Trouble’s Mairghread Scott and Kelly & Nichole Matthews at Women Write About Comics

Laramie Martinez Interviews The Creative Team Behind BOOM!’s Toil and Trouble.

Comicosity Interview: Scott And The Matthews Sisters Talk Toil and Trouble

Mairghread Scott Talks Toil and Trouble on The Comic Book Exchange

Toil and Trouble: An Interview with Creators Mairghread Scott and Kelly & Nichole Matthews at Rogues Portal

Thank you to everyone who has supported this book. I am so happy to share it all with you.


San Diego Comic Con is less than a week away! Are you ready? I’m pumped! If you want to meet me and get something signed below is my full SDCC Schedule:


Thursday July 21st

1pm to 2pm – From Concepts to Comics: A Conversation about Editing in the Comics Industry
Room 28DE

2pm to 3pm – IDW & Hasbro – The Revolution is Now
Room 9

4pm to 5pm – Revolution signing at the IDW Booth #2743

6pm to 7pm – Bringing Prime Time to Comic Shops – All About Comics from Television
Room 29AB

Friday July 22nd

6pm to 7pm – Transformers signing at the IDW Booth #2743

Saturday July 23rd

1pm to 2pm – Teaching STEM with Comics
Shiley Special Events, San Diego Public Library

I hope to see you at the show!


This weekend I will be exhibiting at Emerald City Comic Con!

You can find me at table H-17 in Artist’s Alley, right next to Kelly and Nichole Matthews. I will have Toil and Trouble issues 1 – 6, Transformers Windblade Vol. 1 and Transformers: Combiner Wars for sale. Signatures on books you bring are of course free. Come say Hi!

In addition, you can find me at the following signings and panels:

Thursday April 7th
3pm to 4pm – Power Rangers Signing at the Boom Studios Booth #1002
6pm to 7pm – Transformers Windblade signing with Corin Howell at the IDW Booth #1804

Saturday April 9th

11am to Noon – Beyond the Femme Fatale: Re-Imagining the Female Villain panel in Room T305
2pm to 3pm – Transformers Windblade Signing at the IDW Booth #1804
3:30pm to 4:30pm – Power Rangers Signing at the Boom Studios Booth #1002

I hope to see you there!

Mairghread Scott

Behold! The wonder of WonderCon is nearly upon us, and it’s in LA this year! If you’re in Los Angeles this weekend, here is where you can find me.

Friday March 25th at 12:30pm – Lantern City Panel, Room 502A

Talking steampunk dystopias with my Lantern City peeps. Come see us for all your brutal totalitarian needs!

Friday March 25th at 5pm – From Concept to Comics – The Editorial Process Panel, Room 515A

The first thing I often hear from new writers is how they don’t need an editor. Learn why that’s also the stupidest thing I hear at this great panel.


Saturday – Working today and won’t be at the convention. Sad face.

Sunday March 27th at Noon – Power Rangers signing at the Boom Studios, Booth 1611

Will be signing for about an hour at the Boom! booth. Come by and chat Power Rangers with me.

(Psst! If you have other comics of mine, I’m happy to sign those, too.)

Sunday March 27th at 1pm – Getting Into Comics and Staying There Panel, Room 515A

Your second job is often the hardest to get. Learn how to get that (as well as the 3rd and 4th job) on this great panel!

Outside of these, you can find me wandering the convention floor. Feel free to chat (as it stops me from spending money I don’t have) anytime!

